Thank you for joining our small community
Pilates / Yoga / Reformer
Welcome to Classes, Reformer Groups and 121's
Welcome and I am very much looking forward to working with you to begin or further your journey to group mat classes, group Reformer classes or 121 sessions. What every your goals or injuries exercise is for everyone.
Below you will find instructions to follow before you join. Also all your venue information. Take some time to read this well in advance of your session.
The forms only need to be filled in once but essential to be part of our community before joining ANY classes or 121 sessions. We want to keep you safe and know how to modify around your injuries and abilities and also the heath form is an essential part of our insurance.
There are several groups to join to make sure you stay up to date with info:
Private facebook group (members only)
Private whats app group (one way announcements only)
Join the APP (not essential but allows you to see calendar dates etc for classes)
Private REFORMER whatsapp group (you will be added manually to this one)
Thank you for joining 121 OR group Reformer / Rehab sessions
Pilates has many benefits to all ages and not only increases core strength, it is all over body conditioning to improve your strength, balance and posture. Welcome to my Pilates Equipment sessions where we work on several pieces of large equipment in a slow controlled manor.The classes are based on a mix of Pilates large equipment to strengthen and lengthen the whole body, improve flexibility and posture. We may also use the occasional mat exercise to compliment where appropriate.
Venue details
Sessions are run from the home studio based in Andover. Please follow instructions below rather than sat nav.
11 Duncan Court, Admirals Way, Andover SP10 1QF
The house can be a bit tricky to find the first time. The easiest is by driving to the Queen Charlotte Pub (SP10 2PR) turning left BEFORE the pub, take the next immediate left, follow the rd around and drive to the end. My house is the last house on the right hand side – you will see the extension out the back and a pergola in the garden. Parking is not allocated and you can park in any available space.
Studio entrance is via the back gate, ring the doorbell on the top of the gate and I will come and let you in. The gate is always kept locked.
For space reasons as the studio is only small please leave coats and bags in your car where possible and wear easily removable clean shoes such as flip flops. There is a storage box outside for shoes.
The studio has a SHOES OFF, SOCKS ON policy and grip socks are required to help you avoid sliding on the floor and equipment. I do have a selection of ToeSox for sale (my preferred brand) and these vary from £11-15 and I accept cash for these. Of course any socks with grips on the bottom are fine and you can buy your own (normal socks are ok as an alternative but really not ideal moving forwards). All equipment is provided by me, there is no need to bring anything apart from a drink, keys and valuables such as your phone. 

Your prompt timekeeping is appreciated, also avoiding arriving early due to personal commitments and sessions that maybe happening before your class.
Any clothing needs to not have zips or buttons as it may rip or scratch the leather on the equipment, please also avoid watches and rings with jewels (I would prefer them removed).
Please aim to make your clothes are pet hair free as it drops off all over the equipment and also looks unsightly for the next client.
Request to join and await your approval. If a few days has passed and you haven't been accepted then get in touch.
Use this space to chat and post pictures. Pop a hello post up introducing yourself. Ask questions and interact as much as you want in the group.
Using the app will give you quick access to book and manage your classes as well as read the blogs and the forums.
Download the FIT by WIX app on your phone
If the link doesn't work for any reason the invite code is TIF44B

Mat classes are based on approx 40 weeks of live classes.
The holidays will be as follows:
3 half term holiday weeks
1 week for Easter Holidays
2 weeks for Christmas Holidays
6 weeks for Summer Holidays (Your class fee is pro rata monthly based on no summer holiday classes for summer holidays). Zoom classes maybe available over the summer months.
Use the calendar to keep updated with any classes and holidays. If it is on the calendar then the class is happening.

Thank you for booking Large Equipment Classes
Welcome to Group Pilates Equipment sessions where we work on large equipment in a slow controlled manor - most sessions are planned around the Reformer as it is so versatile and adaptable for all levels. The classes are based on a mix of Pilates large equipment to strengthen and lengthen the whole body, improve flexibility and posture. Each term I plan for each session around a different focus, such as mobility, upper body, lower body, balance, strength etc although every session will incorporate all of these aspects as well.
The studio sessions are a maximum of 3 people in any one session. We may also use the occasional mat exercise to compliment where appropriate and sometimes do a circuit class using different pieces of equipment. The sessions will make you feel stretched although you are not given specific stretching time within the class as we want all the valuable time on the equipment so it is a good idea to stretch afterwards at home where you feel the need.
All group classes are booked and paid in advance in a term fee block. The term fee is a fixed fee and any sessions missed are lost although where possible I can offer you to swap sessions and catch ups within the term block if the availability is there. For each class there is a whatsapp group and also a main ad hoc whatsapp group where availability for extra classes or swaps is posted.
(You may not be able to attend all availability as different classes can have a slightly different focuses and level).
For any session cancellations please offer as much notice as possible to allow someone else to hop into your slot and be offered out for a catch up. Even if you are not going to make it at the last minute someone maybe able to take your space. Thank you in advance.
The large equipment is unique and you will love how it conditions and strengthens the whole body.
When arriving to studio please bring as few items as possible and sanitise your hands on entry. Take a small white box from the shelf for your phone and keys. On each Reformer you will have a set of straps that you will put on yourself. The equipment will already be clean on your arrival. Hair MUST be tied up for safety.
At the end of session the straps are removed to allow for quarantine and the equipment given a clean by you ready for the following client.
A full studio deep clean happens once a week by me as well. In most situations the door is left open for fresh air but please never attend if you have symptoms of covid or sickness as mentioned above.
We have some great friendships formed in classes and hand on heart all my client's are amazing people.
Can't wait to work with you on your journey in Pilates Reformer.
Thank you for booking 1-1 sessions
Your 121 session is tailored to your individual goals, rehab programme and ability. On your first appointment we will be talking, note writing and performing a physical assessment to find more about you and your body. This will enable us both to establish the plan and programme to proceed with over our time together. Every person and body has different abilities, goals, injuries and requirements and 121 sessions will allow you to develop and progress much quicker than in a group environment. Depending on discoveries and goals the type of programme we will be working on may use the large equipment or the mat during this first session and thus moving forward.
121 sessions are based on 55 minute in length. Note please arrive at the time of your session and avoid arriving early - I need time to clean after every client and write up notes from the client before you. You can wait in your car and message me when you have arrived it weather is wet so I can come out with a brolly.
Note that some initial 121 sessions are for assessment and introduction for Reformer Group. We would already of discussed this if this applies to you.
To see results and progress consistency and your commitment is key. This is why there is only an option for block bookings (unless it is for an introduction for group or as an ad hoc for a personal development for a group client).
You must commit to the weekly time slot given to you and sessions are not able to be dropped frequently or your place will be passed on. Often the space can not be filled and there is always a waiting list for people wanting 121 block booking spaces. I would expect no more than 2 of the 10 sessions to be cancelled in one block. This shows commitment from you and me. If you know your session is going to clash with an event you maybe able to be swapped with another client on different day or take up another space or cancellation.
Cancellations require at least 24 hours notice or the session will be charged in full and taken off your credit. Your automatic session reminder will always come via email 24 hours in advance too so you know the session is confirmed. If you don't get this reminder then message me as your session may not have been booked in by error.
Any covid symptoms please stay away. And where possible please do a lateral flow test (pls check with me current guidelines for tests and masks depending on the situation at that time). Depending on the weather we try and keep fresh air in the studio with a small gap in the door or the inside door open.
Working 121 is unique to you and and you will love how you start to see changes and feel stronger. Can't wait to get working together for changes in your daily strength and mobility. :)