Welcome to Pilates and Yoga with Bunny

Pilates and Hatha Yoga classes in Andover, Hampshire and Whitchurch, Hampshire. Owner of Pilates Large Apparatus Home Studio.
Pilates and Yoga are a great way to improve strength, suppleness, wellbeing, endurance, correct posture and help prevent back pain, and strengthen the Core and Pelvic Floor. The Pilates Large Apparatus supports the body and offers great stability and resistance work whilst building strength and creating flexible strong bodies.
About Bunny:
Desk bound for many years being a Graphic Designer made my body not work correctly. Tight hip flexors, weak Glutes etc etc and then hammering lots of sports with bad posture didn’t work well. Having suffered a series of sports related injuries Pilates helped me to bring my body back to balance and made me passionate about this form of controlled exercise. Spending many years putting a lot of pressure onto my body with lots of impact classes and running made Pilates a big part of my weekly routine. My body feels much more in balance and the impact stuff feels much easier now as the core strength is there and everything works correctly.
After a Pilates break following my move to Andover, my love for Pilates was again reunited following a terrible year suffering the crippling pain of sciatica from a sports related injury. Being thrown tablets and endless phone calls crying to the doctor to do something I started my own diagnoses and also my own rehab routine to make my body well again so daily life could function. Throughout this year of pain my body had become so weak as walking, standing and sitting was very painful and all my sport had to stop. I had a limp and also couldn’t sleep as the pain was so bad. A really terrible time. So after about a year of feeling very sorry for myself without knowing where to turn my journey to recovery daily Pilates began, slowly my body started to feel normal again and the pain started to go as I strengthened and stretched the right bits. Rehab work is never instant but consistency and perseverance always pays off.
Well on the road to recovery and always with an interest in the human form and exercise, I decided that I wanted to help others perform and understand the benefits of Pilates and Yoga and help reduce pain that people suffer with every day. With research, training and exams I qualified as a teacher of Pilates (qualified 2016) and Yoga (qualified 2018) now I can help others on the road to recovery. Totally giving up my desk job my passion for helping others really has come alive. There is a real buzz from the way I can watch clients bodies change and their posture improve. Believing that every person no matter of age, size and flexibility should make Pilates and Yoga part of their weekly routine. Pilates and Yoga are my passions and I want it to be yours too.
Throughout my Pilates career 1-1 sessions have been part of this and owning one Reformer, the client and I would work on a routine of carefully planned lessons that were tailored to them. In September 2018 one room in my house was converted to a home studio which holds Reformers, Wunda Chair and Towers (as well as loads of other pieces of equipment) to offer small classes. The progression of clients posture and strength is amazing to watch and like bamboo growing I can almost see progress week on week. A whole new buzz to my career.
Both forms of exercise have helped me through many injuries and tweaks and now prevent them happening. Having the large equipment on hand to watch my family use and benefit from is great and also how exercise can bring enjoyment and energy into family dynamics. (Follow me on Instagram and you can see some posts @movementbunny).
If you asked me which I love more it would be difficult to answer, all of the disciplines have different benefits. Mat and Apparatus Pilates are very different but both great in their own ways. Yoga helps stretch and strengthen our body and encourage our mind to relax too. I do all of these several times a week and really can feel the benefits to my body on a daily basis. Bringing flexibility and strength helps performing every day activities easy.
A good Pilates teacher will know exactly the right exercises and stretches to give you and can work closely with other professionals to achieve recovery. The pilates large equipment is an amazing way to work your body and I have marathon runners, pregnant, postnatal as well as 75+ year olds coming and working on it – all with great results.
Pilates Open Leg Rocker
Pilates Scissors
Yoga Downward Facing Dog
Yoga Wide Leg Forward Fold
Anatomy and Physiology for exercise and health – Level 3
Principles of Exercise, Fitness and Health – Level 2
Know How to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity – Level 2
Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment – Level 2
Adapting exercise for Ante and Post Natal clients – Level 3
Teaching and adapting exercise for 5-17 year olds – Level 2
Advanced CPD in modern Post Natal Assessment, Core Restore & Functional Exercise Programming
Diploma in teaching Pilates – Level 3
Yoga – Level 3
First Aid for sport
Strong to the Core Pelvic Floor
Core Exercise Solutions Pelvic Floor Course
Pilates Reformer and Large Equipment Qualified
BodyBalance (Thai Chi, Yoga and Pilates)
Exercise to Music – Level 2
Nutrition for Sport – Level 4
Classes held in Andover and Whitchurch, Hampshire.
Home Pilates Large Apparatus Studio based in Andover. 1-1 /1-2 or 1-3 sessions.
All classes are booked and paid for in term blocks following school half term times. Usually 6-8 weeks. 1-1 sessions are paid as a single session or a block (block bookings are recommended for results)You can join a term at anytime space allowing. Classes are very popular so please contact for details. hello(at)pilatesandyogawithbunny.co.uk